Fudgy Salted Butterscotch Brownies

Last night your girl just needed something sweet. I was rifling through my cabinets and freezer hoping to find something to nibble on, and the worst thing happened. I realized I had to bake. Kidding, kidding, it’s not so bad.

I landed on brownies, and found this recipe from Love and Lemons. I changed a few minor things, and now I think I just might be a baker?! ;) These babies are fudgy and chewy and and not at all cakey, which is my preferred style of brownie. They are gooey and the butterscotch chips just kind of melt away into the batter creating the most luscious final product. And don’t get me started about the flaky sea salt on top…

I dropped off most of the brownies to my neighbors late last night, which was awesome because my kids have no chill when it comes to finding dessert at 6:30 in the morning when they wake up. I hope you try these! And major props to Love and Lemons for the original recipe.

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- 1 1/2 cups white sugar
- 3/4 c all-purpose flour
- 2/3 c cocoa powder, sifted
- 1/2 c powdered sugar, sifted
- 1/2 c butterscotch chips
- 3/4 t sea salt
- 2 large eggs
- 1/2 c canola oil
- 2 T water
- 1 T vanilla
- flaky sea salt for finishing

1.) Preheat oven to 325. Lightly spray an 8x8 nonstick pan.
2.) Mix dry ingredients (white sugar, flour, cocoa powder, powdered sugar and salt) together in a mixing bowl. Be sure to sift cocoa powder and powdered sugar.
3.) In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, oil, water and vanilla.
4.) Slowly combine dry ingredients into wet ingredients until just combined. Gently fold in butterscotch chips, and pour into pan.
5.) Bake for 40-45 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. Do not overbake these! I repeat. Do not overbake! We need these to be gooey and fabulous, not dry and bleh.
6.) Remove from the oven and dust the top with flaky sea salt. Allow them to cool before slicing into 9 delicious brownie squares.
Save the center pieces for me! Best served with an ice cold glass of milk. Mmm. Enjoy, friends!


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