Couscous with Roasted Veggies | Clean out the Pantry

Couscous and roasted veggies. This is another meal that I hope sparks some creativity within you! I generally make this in either the height of summer, when I have loads of fresh veggies from the market, or on a day like today, when I have a lot of sad vegetables that are days away from meeting their Maker. ;)

The beauty of this dish is that it is one million percent customizable. Have some chicken in the fridge? Add it in. Want to add a fried egg on top? Yum. A jammy egg? Maybe even better. No root veggies? No problem. You get my drift!

For this version, I chopped up three limp carrots, two yukon gold potatoes, and a half a red and yellow bell pepper. I threw some gorgeous red onion on the baking tray as well, and tossed in some frozen peas at the end. Delicious. My littlest had two heaping portions!

roast veg.jpg



- Whatever vegetables you have on hand, particularly ones that are hearty enough to bake. I'd recommend two to three cups’ worth of chopped veg.
- 1 T balsamic vinegar
- 2 T olive oil
- salt and pepper
- 3 cloves smashed garlic
- 1 cup Israeli pearl couscous
- 1.5 cups water


1.) Preheat your oven to 400, and begin roughly chopping your veggies into one-inch chunks
2.) Coat veggies with olive oil, salt and pepper, and a hearty splash of balsamic.
3.) Add your smashed garlic, and toss together with your hands or a wooden spoon
4.) Bake vegetables on a sheet pan for 25-35 minutes, or until done
potatoes will take the longest to be cooked through. I like it when my veggies like carrots and peppers still have a little bite to them, so just be mindful of the total time
5.) Halfway through cooking time, start your couscous. Pour 1.5 cups of water into a sauce pan, and heat until boiling.
6.) Lightly salt the water, add 1 cup of couscous and stir
7.) Cover pot with a lid, and simmer on the lowest heat for 8-10 minutes until cooked through
8.) Mix your veggies and couscous together, and top with a nice italian vinaigrette. Shave some parmesan cheese on for good measure, and delight your family with this pantry-clean-out meal. It's fresh, light but still filling, and it's always good to use the food that we purchase!

Couscous with roasted veggies

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