Coconut Rice with Teriyaki Chicken

My husband has a laundry list of favorite meals and this is one of them. Coconut rice is an awesome base for meals. We use it with pulled pork and coleslaw (umm, yum, that combo is GOOD), and it’s also really exceptional with grilled chicken and teriyaki sauce. I make my rice in my beloved Instant Pot, but feel free to make it however you’re most comfortable. We paired this dinner with steamed broccoli, but cauliflower, snap or snow peas would be delicious alternatives.


Yields 4 portions, prep and cook time roughly 30 minutes

Coconut Rice:
- 1.5 c rice
- 1 can (13.5-oz) full fat coconut milk
- 1/4 c water
- pinch of salt and pepper

- 1 lb chicken tenderloins
- 1 T olive oil
- salt and pepper
- teriyaki sauce also written below

- 1 head broccoli, trimmed
- 1 t sesame seeds

Coconut Rice:
1.) Add rice, coconut milk, 1/4 cup of water plus salt and pepper to Instant Pot. Secure lid and cook on “Rice” setting until done. Fluff rice once finished, and salt to taste if necessary.

1.) Prepare chicken while rice is cooking. If using breasts, slice or pound chicken until roughly 1-inch thick. This will create an even cooking time, along with a more flavorful piece of chicken.
2.) Add olive oil to a saute pan over medium-high heat. Salt and pepper both sides of chicken and add to skillet. Flip after 4 minutes and cook on remaining side until cooked through. Turn pan to low heat and add teriyaki sauce to pan. Warm through and ensure chicken is thoroughly coated.
3.) Slice chicken before serving and add on top of coconut rice.

1.) Steam broccoli while chicken is finishing. Add washed and trimmed broccoli florets to pan over medium heat. Add two tablespoons of water and place lid on skillet. Toss broccoli occasionally and season with salt, pepper, and sesame seeds. Cook until bright green and slightly tender, about 5 minutes.

Combine all your ingredients and serve immediately. Top with leftover teriyaki sauce from pan, and add sriracha sauce for a little heat if desired. Enjoy!

Teriyaki Sauce:

- 1 c water plus 1.5 T separated
- 1/3 c soy sauce
- 4 T packed brown sugar
- 1/2 T ginger you can use fresh grated, dried ginger or refrigerated minced ginger
1/2 t garlic powder
- 1 t sesame oil
- 1 T raw honey
- 1 t rice vinegar
1 T cornstarch

1.) Combine all ingredients except cornstarch and additional 1.5 T water into a medium saucepan. Stir until combined over medium-low heat. Mix constantly to prevent the sugar and honey from sticking to the pan.
2.) In a small bowl, combine 1 T cornstarch with 1.5 T water and stir until there are no lumps. This is called a slurry and it’s used as a thickening agent. Pour slurry into saucepan and stir continuously until sauce is nice and thick, about 2 minutes.


Ranch Dressing


Homemade Teriyaki Sauce