Ranch Dressing

I certainly don’t discriminate when it comes to salad dressings. I love tangy vinaigrettes, creamy cheese-based ones, and the sweeter variety like poppyseed or sweet onion. But the queen of my heart is 100% ranch. Are you this way? It’s my favorite condiment for crispy fries or a cheesy piece of pizza, and I feel no shame admitting this. I digress. I make ranch a thousand different ways, but this is a classic recipe you can use and I know you’ll love!

Thin your dressing out with more milk if you want, or use less and use it as a heartier dip for veggies. As always, taste as you go and adjust seasonings to meet your flavor expectations. Last night on my instagram (@mydailydelish) I shared a BLT platter I made with this sauce drizzled on top. It was perfect. Get creative in your kitchen and make something you love. Serve this on top of a fresh salad, as a dipping side for potato chips, or use it as a spread for a BLT sandwich. The options are endless! Enjoy!


Prep time 5 minutes, rest time 30 minutes. Yields just under 2 cups

- 1/2 c sour cream
- 1/2 c mayonnaise
- 2/3 cup milk or buttermilk
- 1 t worcestershire sauce
- small squeeze of fresh lemon roughly 1 t
- 1 t dried dill
- 1 t onion powder
- 1 t garlic powder
- 1/2 t black pepper
- 1 t salt
1/2 t dried parsley
- 1/2 t dried chives
- 1/4 t cayenne pepper note: this will not make your dressing spicy. It just increases the overall flavor.

1.) Combine all ingredients into a container and whisk together. Store in refrigerator for at least one hour to allow flavors to build. Taste, and add additional salt and pepper to taste before serving. Keep this in your fridge for up to a week.

Notes: If you want a thinner dressing, add more (butter)milk.
If refrigerating overnight, just know it will thicken up and you’ll need to thin before using as a salad dressing.
Fresh dill, parsley and chives work wonderfully in this dressing as well!


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