Quiche Lorraine

I forgot how much I love a good quiche until I ordered one at a cafe in New York last year. It was a hearty slice, filled with crispy bacon and shallot, and holy yum. It was good. I had never made a homemade quiche before, probably because I just kept forgetting, until I hosted a baby shower a couple of months back. Now I've been on a quiche kick and make one at least every other week! They freeze well, will feed a crowd, and work great for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

I don't make my own pie crust, even though I recognize it's an easy step. But you know what's even easier? A two-pack delivered to my doorstep thank you very much, Instacart, said all the mamas everywhere... Directions for working with your pie dough are below.




- 1 pie crust, homemade or store-bought works fine here
- 5 strips thick cut bacon
- 1 large shallot, or 1/3 of a large onion
- 1/2 t dried thyme
- 1/8 t cayenne
- 1/2 T salt
- 1/4 t pepper
- 3 large eggs
- 1.5 cups heavy cream
I know, I know! But it makes the most luscious, custardy filling. If this scares you a little too much, feel free to do 1 cup of milk, and .5 cup of heavy cream. It will still be delicious! But also... Lean into it. ;)
- 1 cup grated sharp white cheddar
Yes, Gruyere is traditional in Quiche Lorraine. But if your fridge is like mine, you're less likely to have that on hand, and more likely to have a sharp cheddar.



If you use store-bought dough, follow the directions on the package.
1.) Get your pie crust to room temp, either by leaving it on the counter, or putting it in the microwave at 50% power for around 40 seconds.
2.) Assemble your pie crust in your baking dish, and poke holes with your fork all around the vertical sides of the pie dish, and also all across the bottom.
3.) Bake it for 10 minutes at 400*


While you're pre-baking your pie crust, start to make the filling.

1.) Start by pan-frying your bacon until nice and crispy. You'll want it just a few shades shy of burnt so that it maintains its crispy texture once fully baked in the quiche
2.) Discard some of the drippings, but leave one to two tablespoons in the pan
3.) Dice up your shallot or onion into a small dice, and pan fry in the bacon grease.
4.) Sprinkle seasonings (1/2 t thyme, 1/8 t cayenne, 1/2 T salt and 1/4 t pepper) onto your onions. This will open up the flavor, and release excess moisture from the onion.
5.) Grate a cup of sharp cheddar I prefer something like Beecher’s or Tillamook white sharp cheddar
6.) In a large mixing bowl, scramble your eggs, and mix together your cheese and cream. Whisk in additional salt and pepper to taste, along with an additional shake of cayenne pepper
7.) Pour half your onions onto the base of your pie crust. Add remaining onions to egg mixture, along with diced bacon
8.) Fill up your pie crust with your filling, and pop it into the oven
9.) Bake for 45 minutes at 350*.

At this point, do the jiggle test to make sure your custard is set. It's possible it will need another 5-10 minutes.

Serve this alone, or plate it with a simple green salad. Enjoy!



Creamy Chicken + Gnocchi Soup


Homemade Green Enchilada Sauce